Human Resources and temporary work agencies :

Onboarding temporary employees and candidates is a key stage in the recruitment process. The stakes are many: meeting regulatory requirements, offering the best candidate experience, combating fraud and facilitating the day-to-day work of your teams. 

Streamline your KYE and KYC (Know your Employee/candidate) processes, check candidates identities and documents, and get contracts signed securely and compliantly in just a few minutes! 

Stakes &
VIALINK answers.

#1 Improve the experience of your employees and temporary employees by streamlining your processes

VIALINK answer

Verify the identity and supporting documents of your future employees in just a few minutes with VIALINK 360: a hub of identity verification and document analysis solutions.

#2 Meet regulatory requirements with a compliant KYE/C adapted to your level of legal risk

VIALINK answer

Set the regulatory checks to be carried out, and benefit from a confidence index and a control report to combat identity/document fraud and concealed work. Thanks to the control report, you can certify your regulatory compliance in the event of a dispute.

#3 Gain operational performance in your agency or 100% digitally

VIALINK answer

In just a few minutes, check the conformity of supporting documents (proof of address, bank details, driver’s license, etc.) and the identity of your candidate, for fast, secure onboarding or start of assignment.

#4 Contract quickly

VIALINK answer

Send your employment or assignment contract in just a few minutes, in total security, thanks to our digital signature solution.

3 benefits for
human resources and temporary work agencies.


A better candidate/employee experience

Whether agency, hybrid or 100% digital, offer a fast and intuitive user experience


Security and compliance for your processes

Meet regulatory requirements (RGPD, law on concealed work...) and minimize the risk of human error, thanks to certified and compliant solutions


Operational and commercial performance

Free your teams from time-consuming, low value-added tasks: check files and have employment contracts signed in just a few minutes

To go further